The Forlorned Motion Picture--How I broke into the Movie Business

Many people have asked how I was able to get my book turned into a movie.  The answer is simple, with hard work, endless dedication and lots of faith. Years ago a wise old sage informed me that only with hard work does one achieve success. Although I believed this advice was true, I found it hard to keep moving forward and to not give up. I was a struggling author and a single mom. Even though there were moments I wanted to quit, I kept working long hard days and nights. Most nights I would work until nearly sunrise, I'd go to bed for a couple hours and then be up again in time for work the next day.

There were many times I wanted to give up. I was exhausted, but I persisted in going after the brass ring and I'm glad that I did.

At the start of my journey I did a lot of research into horror movies, how they were made and who directed and produced them. I wanted someone top notch to do my film. I was lucky to connect with a director right away---And no, it wasn't a "catchy title" that caught their eye or some other gimmick, it was the a story that stood out in the genre. A unique tale of a young man alone on a lighthouse island haunted by ghost soldiers from the War of 1812.

Getting my novel turned into a script and then onto the big screen took a monumental amount of work. My director and producer read my script and quickly adapted it. Those two extraordinary people made my novel come to life on the big screen and I will be forever grateful to them.

The key to any successful project is to find believers. People who support your goals and ideas. I was very fortunate to have a producer, director and a business partner who were willing to work alongside of me for a common goal.

One particularly hard day, I sent a text message to my director Andy Wiest. I told him I wanted to give up. I just couldn't go on. I will never forget his reply. "I'm sticking this out with you until the very end Angie, no matter what." Andy's words of support kept me going.

I encourage all struggling artists to find people who believe in them. People willing to work together to achieve a common goal.

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